We have conducted following Olympiads in session 2023-24 in PM SHRI KV INS MANDOVI.
1) Green Olympiad
Number of students participated-23
Out of 23, 2 students got merit certificate (scored more than 60%)-Aditya Rahul Pillai Class 9A and Janita HOSMANI Class 10A.
2) IOQM (The Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Mathematics)-
6 students participated in regional level maths Olympiad. Only one qualified for National level maths Olympiad. (Joel Joseph Tijo Class 10A).
3) SOF (Science Olympiad Foundation)-
We have conducted following Olympiads under SOF subject-wise.
(a)IGKO (international General Knowledge Olympiad)- 98 students participated from our Vidyalaya and got 17 gold medals.
(b)IEO (International English Olympiad)- 165 students participated and got 28 gold medals and 7 students got selected for level-2 exam.
(c)IMO (International Mathematics Olympiad)– 206 students participated and got 28 gold medals and 8 got qualified for level-2 exam.
(d) NSO (National Science Olympiad)-156 students participated and received 24 gold medals and 6 students qualified for level-2 exam.
(e)NCO (National Cyber Olympiad)-14 students participated.
(f)ISSO (International Social Science Olympiad)– 17 students participated.
4)VVM (Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan)– 18 students registered for this exam and Aditya Rahul pillai of Class 9A got selected for level-2 camps (same student secured second position in district North Goa).
5) INESO (International Earth Science Olympiad)- 4 students registered for this exam.